Message From

Dr. Mahbubur Rahman Mollah
ChairmanDr. Mahbubur Rahman Mollah College
Sincerest Struggle for Better Education
A twelve storied building of Dr. Mahbubur Rahman Mollah College is in Dhaka – Demra Highway near Concord Moydan. This is the own address of this famous institute. We have come to this new and permanent address leaving the rented building of Kazlarpar, Jatrabari.
Dr.Mahbubur Rahman Mollah College comes to light in 2010. The aim of this institute is to discover the latest talent of the learners and to ensure the touch of ideal learning for them. This institute has been playing a pivotal role in this regard for the last ten years. I think, Dr. Mahbubur Rahman Mollah College is not only a regular and conventional college, but also a mighty fight for education. Those who plunged in despair and confusion in want of a standard and ideal institute, are dreaming of better education nowadays. The main motto of this college is to create potential, modest, humane, dutiful and knowledge seeking learners spreading ideal and better education. By the grace of almighty Allah, this very noble notion has already been successful.
This institute has been making glorious results since its inception. Students passing from this institute have been able to achieve prestigious place in different universities. More than 1000 students have been studying in Public Universities, Medical Colleges and Engineering Universities. Besides, many more students are studying in private universities at home and abroad. This achievement is like winning the summit of Everest to me. We are the playmaker in respect to their achievement. We are struggling hard keeping this belief and faith in mind that Dr. Mahbubur Rahman Mollah College will play a vital role nationally and internationally in the coming days by the grace of almighty Allah.
Truely to say, Dr. Mahbubur Rahman Mollah College is a very new college in comparison with many other reputed and famous colleges. This college has already surpassed many other old and renowned colleges in respect to the number of students, results and success. It is right that we have some limitations. To overcome our limitations, we seek your kind help, advice and cooperation. We hope and fervently believe that you will extend your helping hands wholeheartedly. Nurul Islam Nahid, former honarable Education Minister of the Govt. of the People's Republic of Bangladesh came here as a chief guest in the Foundation Stone Ceremony "Phire Cholo Apon Thikanay" of this new complex. Dr. Dipu Moni, hon'ble Education Minister of the Govt of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh also attended the Inauguration Ceremony “Protivar Deshe” of this new complex. We owe to them, we are grateful to them. Dr. Mahbubur Rahman Mollah College is always dedicated to the college going students. May the life of the learners be glorious. May the learners reach the top of success.